Yag Laser Capsulotomy
Is your vision becoming cloudy again – after you’ve already had cataract surgery?
Chances are you may be experiencing one of the most common complications of that surgery, something called posterior capsule opacification (PCO).
PCO can cause your vision to become cloudy, mimicking the primary symptom of cataracts. The good news is, this complication is easily treatable with a quick outpatient laser procedure called a Yag capsulotomy, which is a procedure South Florida Vision Associates ophthalmologists have substantial experience performing. Yag stands for “yttrium aluminum garnet,” the crystal located within the laser.
What Is PCO or “Secondary Cataracts”?
During your cataract surgery, the cloudy lens inside your eye was removed and replaced with an artificial lens. In some cases, a thin layer of scar tissue forms on a membrane called the posterior capsule, which is located behind your new lens. This scar tissue prevents light from reaching your retina, which is critical to your ability to see, because it converts light into impulses that travel through the optical nerve to the brain, where it is recognized as images.
The effects of PCO are visual disturbances, such as everything appearing blurry or hazy, and increased glare from lights. PCO is sometimes referred to as a secondary cataract.
PCO occurs in approximately 20% of patients after cataract surgery. It can occur months to years after your original surgery.
How PCO After Cataract Surgery Is Treated
Yag capsulotomy is the only way to correct cloudy vision as a result of scar tissue buildup (PCO) after cataract surgery.
Yag Capsulotomy
Yag capsulotomy is a safe and effective outpatient laser treatment.
During the Yag capsulotomy, your ophthalmologist will use light from the laser to create a small opening in the clouded posterior capsule to allow light through and improve your vision. PCO does not otherwise damage your eye, so there is nothing else to fix.
A Yag capsulotomy is painless, and the entire procedure takes just 5 minutes. However, you may be asked to remain on-site for up to an hour afterward to ensure your eye pressure remains stable after the procedure. There is no downtime required after a Yag capsulotomy.
Does it feel like your cataract is coming back – even after a surgery to correct it? It’s likely you’ve developed posterior capsule opacification, or PCO. Don’t despair! The ophthalmologists at South Florida Vision Associates can treat your PCO and restore your vision with a quick and easy outpatient procedure: a Yag laser capsulotomy.
Contact the South Florida Vision Associates ophthalmology location nearest you to find out more. You can also request an appointment now.